Cosmic Collector: Asteroid Assault
** This game was made solo in 3 hours as part of the Trijam #216 GameJam!**
This project was my first entry into my first ever game jam!
Cosmic Collector: Asteroid Assault is a game about protecting your homeworld from the enemy invaders who are firing missiles at the planet. These missiles contain deadly gasses and materials that pollute the planets natural resources. The player must fight off the missiles and provide the planet with other resources through the means of harvesting asteroids (and by harvesting, of course I mean running straight into them!)
To everyone who reads this:
Thank you. My dream is to create games and you being here is bringing me closer to accomplishing that dream. Please let me know if you like the game (and of course any bugs)
The Future:
I am considering polishing this game up once the game jam is scored, regardless if I get last. If you would like to see this game at its full potential, please let me know. Otherwise, you should definitely follow me on Itch.io for my future releases. I promise they'll be so much better than this (and will take more than 3 hours to make).
Thank you!
Thank you Trijam & everyone who helps out in this game jam. I hope to do this again in the future!
Credits: I am allowed to use all of the following assets. For any questions about usage please refer to the Content License Summaries attached to every asset.
Clayster2012: https://opengameart.org/content/space-ship-collection Space Ship Collection (Used for Ship Models
Surt: https://opengameart.org/content/shmup-ships Shmup Ships (Used for Asteroids)
FunwithPixels: https://opengameart.org/content/generic-planet-green-gas-giant Generic Planet Green Gas Giant (Used for Planet)
Rawdanitsu: https://opengameart.org/content/lasers-and-beams Lasers and Beams (Used for Laser Beam Shot)
beren77: https://opengameart.org/content/space-backdrop Space Backgrop (Used for Game Background)
mikala oidua: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/retro-game-sfx-jump-bumpwav-14853/ Retro Game sfx jump bump (Used for asteroid pickup sfx)
Problematist: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/space-laser-shot-103539/ space laser shot (Used for ship shot sfx)
Quaker540: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/hq-explosion-6288/ HQ Explosion (Used for rocket explosion)
FlashTrauma: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects/explosion-6055/ Explosion (Used for rocket explosion)
Lightyeartraxx : https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-kim-lightyear-legends-109307/ Kim Lightyear - Legends (Used as music in game)
DSTechnician: https://pixabay.com/music/techno-trance-the-dying-110458/ The Dying (Used as music in game)
Purrsahfef: https://pixabay.com/music/video-games-8-bit-space-123218/ 8-Bit space (Used as music in game)
Pixel Sagas: https://www.fontspace.com/pixel-digivolve-font-f22012 Pixel Digivolve Font (Used as main font in game)
Credit is paid where credit is due! Good day :)
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Dang, this was hard! High score: 1320
The gameplay works great and everything looks and sounds cohesive.
I noticed that if you just leave the mouse cursor in one place, the ship turns erratically and looks glitched.
The resource mechanic didn't really come through for me because I was so busy focusing on shooting. Maybe if I practiced more and survived for longer, though.
Great work!
I appreciate your input! Thanks for playing!
Great work! I like the fact that as soon as you press start you are thrown straight into the game. No buildup, just pure arcade action!
thank you!
Good work, really fast gameplay. Took me a few goes to get the hang of the controls. I found that you keep the left mouse button down makes it easier. Bullets glitch a bit when over planet. Best I could do was 54
yeah I’m a little upset at the bullet glitch but it’s an easy fix, thank you!